Helping Older Australians operate safely online

August 28, 2020

With the COVID 19 pandemic seeing a rapid acceleration to e-commerce, many older Australians have had to quickly learn new skills to ensure they can continue accessing the goods they need. 

It’s why eBay Australia has welcomed and supported the roll out of a new teaching module on the Australian Government’s Be Connected program to help older Australians learn how to buy and sell goods on eBay. 

Be Connected is a program aimed at increasing the confidence, skills and online safety of older Australians when they use the internet. 

The free to use module takes users through the basics of setting up an eBay account, making a purchase as well as how to list an item for sale:

eBay was founded on the basis of providing economic opportunities for all. We’ve welcomed this initiative as a great way of ensuring all Australians can access the opportunities a platform like eBay provides.