eBay expresses concerns about implementation of the ePrivacy Directive in the Netherlands

September 13, 2011

eBay Inc., the parent company of Marktplaats B.V., takes the quality of the privacy protections we provide to our users very seriously across all our businesses. The success of our community is based on trust, which is strengthened by our ability to provide our users with a high level of transparency and control concerning the collection and use of information about them and their activities.

eBay Inc. and Marktplaats B.V. support an implementation of the Directive based on "informed consent" which would include the language of Recital 66 of the ePrivacy Directive and would encourage users to make use of meaningful tools to set their preferences. This would also drive new initiatives for websites and service providers to present greater transparency and accountability about the types of cookies they are trying to set and the purposes for those cookies.

We therefore call upon Dutch decision-makers to consider inclusion of Recital 66 - browser settings as a valid mean to provide consent - in the Telecommunications Act, combined with the requirement for electronic communications service providers to take additional technical steps to allow for meaningful consent.


See what eBay suggests