The DC Government Relations Team Volunteers for Worthy Cause

September 18, 2017

Last Friday the Washington, DC eBay Government Relations team joined Community Forklift for a day of volunteering. Community Forklift is a nonprofit reuse center for home improvement supplies. They pick up donations of unwanted and salvaged building materials throughout the DC region and make these materials available to the public at a low cost. Since 2011, Community Forklift has provided over $150,000 of materials free-of-cost to families and individuals with low incomes that are in need of supplies to improve their homes. Community Forklift has both a physical store and an eBay store, and relies on the steady stream of online purchases from eBay to boost their annual revenue and continue operating. In addition, Community Forklift was this year’s Shine Award’s Charitable Business Category Winner!

The DC GR team had a great day learning more about Community Forklift and looks forward to getting involved with more businesses that support the local DC community.