eBay Policy Lab Briefs World Bank on Small Online Business Growth Report

April 5, 2016

Brian Bieron, Executive Director, Global Public Policy, and Alan Elias, Senior Manager, Global Public Policy, meet with staff of The World Bank.  

Recently, the eBay Public Policy Lab was invited by The World Bank to present the findings from their recent global report, The Small Online Business Growth Report. Brian Bieron, Executive Director of the Public Policy Lab, led the presentation, describing how small businesses and entrepreneurs in the 18 countries studied, use the eBay platform to engage in exporting at unprecedented levels, and reach nearly every corner of the globe.  As a result, they are growing at rates significantly faster than their overall national economies.    

Following the presentation, Brian participated in a discussion with Deepak Mishra, Co-director for the World Development Report 2016, regarding what these findings could mean for developing countries. They also explored how digital commerce can be used to create more SME jobs and more inclusive economies. 

Thank you to The World Bank for hosting eBay and we look forward to continuing this important policy discussion.