eBay Inc. co-hosts Cross Border Trade Webinar with the U.S. Department of Commerce

August 22, 2014

Last month, eBay Inc. co-hosted a webinar with the U.S. Department of Commerce to highlight some of the technical solutions that have been created in the last few years that make exporting easier for small technology-enabled businesses. The webinar educated participants on the exciting new tools available to small businesses, such as PayPal Passport, as well as several U.S. Department of Commerce tools designed to help grow an online business in markets around the world.

Earlier this year, eBay Inc. signed a memorandum of agreement with the Department of Commerce, creating a partnership for U.S. trade and investment expansion. The partnership focuses on increasing awareness of the economic benefits of trade, specifically the important role that small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can play in growing America’s export economy. The webinar was just one way that the Department of Commerce has partnered with eBay Inc. to help U.S.-based businesses access the global market. Watch the webinar and learn more about the tools that are available to small businesses looking to export.

eBay Inc. has been making efforts to take the small business trade message to Congress as well. In June, we launched a cross-border trade grassroots campaign on our Action Center. The campaign enables consumers and small businesses alike to express to their Members of Congress their support for public policies that enable small business trade. If you believe that U.S. small businesses should have the same opportunities to access the global marketplace as large corporations, please join our efforts!