eBay Seller Testifies In Front Of Joint Economic Committee

September 12, 2017

Today eBay Seller and Small Business Ambassador Nick Quade testified in front of the Joint Economic Committee (JEC). The Committee held a hearing entitled Dynamic Gains From Free Digital Trade to explore the importance of free digital trade as a factor in US economic growth. As the General Manager of the Ecommerce Division of Relay Networks Inc. in Deephaven, MN, Nick’s testimony focused on the harm caused to his business via digital trade barriers such as the low customs de minimis levels used by US trading partners like Canada.

Nick pointed out to the JEC that Canada has a $20 CAD de minimis threshold, which means that Canadian Customers officials can intercept, open, delay, and assign levies to his sales. “Needless to say, this does not promote a good buyer experience and compromises my relationships with my buyers” said Nick.

These sorts of digital trade barriers affect more than just sellers. Nick shared details of several deals that fell through, including with schools in Latin America and the UK that simply wanted to replace their outdated computer equipment with newer, used US equipment, but could not afford the duties and taxes imposed by their governments. Nick encouraged members of the JEC to address these trade barriers so that small US businesses like his can take fuller advantage of cross-border trade while providing much needed goods and services to people in other countries.

The eBay Government Relations team would like to thank Nick for taking time out of his busy schedule to travel to Capitol Hill and represent small sellers using online marketplaces to engage in trade.