Make Your Voice Heard On Internet Tax Policy

May 7, 2018

A letter from Scott Cutler, SVP Americas Marketplace, eBay

eBay has always supported tax policy that is fair to entrepreneurs, artisans, and small businesses, which are vital to the American economy, and we oppose efforts to impose taxes that would harm these businesses. There has never been a more critical time to stand against new and unfair Internet taxes.  

The U.S. Supreme Court will make a decision in the coming weeks that could give states the right to tax every small business on the Internet. The issue is just as urgent on Capitol Hill, as states, shopping centers, and large retailers lobby hard to increase taxes on small businesses and their online customers. When the Supreme Court makes its decision, it will bring together the various threads on the issue of Internet sales tax.

Our leaders in Washington, D.C., and in state capitals across America need to know how you feel about these new and harmful Internet tax burdens. Please digitally sign our petition to show political leaders that you stand with us against these new taxes. It should take less than three minutes. We'll deliver your signatures to President Trump, key members of Congress, and select state governors.

Rest assured that eBay will continue to fight this battle on behalf of all of our valued customers. Thank you for taking a stand for millions of small businesses across the America.
