What We Do Together

SBAN Members work with eBay staff to positively influence ecommerce public policy.

eBay Advocacy Day

Throughout the year select SBAN Members are invited to state and country capitols to meet with lawmakers on legislative issues affecting online small businesses.

In-District Advocacy

eBay sellers also host their state and local legislators in their warehouses and brick & mortar locations. These events allow eBay, sellers, and legislators to build relationships and see the effects of positive small business and e-commerce policy firsthand.

eBay Jamie with Seller on eBay DC Advocacy Day

Meet with eBay Executives

eBay values feedback from its customers and each year we invite a handful of SBAN Members to our headquarters in San Jose, CA to meet with Executives and discuss how to improve the small business user experience.

Advocacy Event Sellers Discuss eBay

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