
eBay Leads the Recommerce Economy

Since its founding in 1995, eBay has played a leading role in establishing the circular economy, by giving Americans a place to sell their gently used goods, helping to keep usable items out of landfills. In fact, pre-loved and refurbished items make up 40% of eBay’s gross merchandise volume (GMV).

As part of eBay’s efforts to support the circular economy, we recently conducted a survey of more than 16,000 general consumers worldwide and 12,515 eBay sellers to understand their views on recommerce. Here are three key findings:

  1. Shopping used is in.

Nearly 90% of consumers reported buying or selling pre-loved goods over the past 12 months. In contrast, only 1 in 7 consumers surveyed have not bought a used item in the past year.

Even celebrities are getting in on the action. Alicia Silverstone, star of “Clueless,” is a proud second-hand buyer.

“Recommerce is so rewarding because I can find things that bring me joy while doing something to help minimize waste on our beautiful planet,” she said.

  1. Surge in fashion recommerce.

On eBay globally, the number of sold clothing, shoes, and accessories with “thrifted” in the description increased by over 400% in March 2024 vs. March 2023. The survey found 53% of consumers polled believe “fast fashion” contributes to unfair labor practices.

“The pre-loved fashion market is thriving, driven by savvy Gen Z shoppers seeking out quality pieces at great prices. eBay is focused on pushing the bounds of innovation to elevate the marketplace experience so that buying and selling pre-loved fashion on eBay feels even better than buying new,” Charis Marquez, the Vice President of Fashion at eBay, said.

  1. Recommerce drives economic opportunity.

Half of all sellers reported an increase in selling pre-loved goods compared to the preceding five years — and those sales can lead to new small businesses. Nearly 80% of global sellers surveyed got their start on eBay by selling pre-loved goods.

eBay is constantly working to make its platform better for the buyers and sellers who support recommerce.

“eBay has been a driving force behind recommerce, and we continue to invest in tools and technology that fuel the circular economy,” Jamie Ianonne, president and CEO of eBay.