Why Americans Can Feel Confident Shopping on eBay

We’ve invested billions in technology and programs to create a safe and trusted platform.

Mainstreet seller

99.2% of prohibited item violations were blocked before ever appearing on eBay in 2023.  

Read more in our 2023 Global Transparency Report.

How eBay Keeps Our Platform Safe

Our efforts start with a money-back guarantee and extend all the way to cutting-edge AI tools that constantly monitor listings for potentially dangerous or illicit items.

ebay sellers

eBay Is Fighting Organized Retail Crime and Keeping Our Users Safe

By collaborating with retailers and law enforcement, we’ve helped to identify and prosecute large crime rings.

police car siren

How eBay Is Protecting Buyers and Brands

Our multi-layered security includes AI tools, algorithms and human reviews to find counterfeit items, as well as partnerships with brands and law enforcement to protect intellectual property.

ebay seller

eBay and World Wildlife Fund Team Up to Fight Wildlife Trafficking

eBay became a leader in anti-trafficking efforts in 2008 when we became one of the first online marketplaces to ban the sale of elephant ivory. 

  • Jamie Iannone, President and CEO of eBay

    Our customers are at the heart of everything we do at eBay and that starts with creating a trusted, transparent and safe marketplace for everyone.”

    Jamie Iannone

    President and CEO of eBay