European Union

February 4, 2021

This week, a group of eBay European sellers met with experts working for the European Commission to make recommendations in the field of packaging and packaging waste for e-commerce. It was an opportunity for sellers to bring a wide array of perspectives into a subject that varies a great deal depending on the nature, size and weight of items that are sold and shipped.

January 29, 2021

eBay CEO Jamie Iannone recently met European Commissioner for Justice Didier Reynders, who is leading on consumer policy and data protection. They discussed consumer safety on online marketplaces, our response to challenges around COVID, the circular economy and eBay’s leading role in enabling SMEs to develop their online business.

January 19, 2021

Earlier this month, eBay's CEO Jamie Iannone met European Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton to discuss aspects related to the platform economy and the proposed Digital Services Package. 

For 25 years, eBay has enabled millions of consumers and businesses to give a second life to goods. Whether through individuals selling items online that they no longer need, or by facilitating online access to spare parts for repair, eBay can be considered a key player in the circular economy.

eBay welcomes the Commission's intention to review the General Product Safety Directive and address challenges in the online sales channels. Read our comments.

Manufacturers and importers are made responsible for the environmental impacts of their products throughout their life cycle, both upstream for design and selection of materials, and downstream for waste management (polluter-pays principle). Read our recommendations for Extended Producer Responsibility and Online Marketplaces. 

Product Safety

At a Glance

To ensure the health and safety of European consumers, while guaranteeing the functioning of the Internal Market, the EU is updating its rulebook on product safety and defective products. The main changes are intended to reflect the characteristics of new business models, specifically e-commerce. 

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