European Union

October 15, 2019

The Prime Minister of Ireland, Leo Varadkar, recently visited eBay’s office in Dublin to learn more about the company’s business in Ireland, meet local Irish eBay sellers and hear about eBay’s work in the community. Derek Allgood, eBay’s Vice President, Global Customer Experience, welcomed the Prime Minister and highlighted the success of eBay’s Retail Expansion Program, growth of the eBay@Home initiative, and the company’s charity and community partners.

September 23, 2019

Recently the eBay France team was heavily involved in the events surrounding the nomination of 40 companies as part of France’s “Next40” initiative. Céline Saada-Benaben, General Manager for eBay in France, was a member of the independent jury that had the task of choosing the selection criteria for the best performing start-ups on the French market.

This paper compares the contribution by regions to net enterprise growth in the traditional economy with the online platform-enabled economy for the UK and Germany from 2010 to 2015. Our study shows that the growth in eBay-enabled firms is more evenly spread across regions in both countries. We also find it to be less concentrated to regions with high GDP per capita levels than traditional enterprise growth. In short, more regions and more poor regions are able to contribute to total enterprise growth in the platform-enabled economy than in the traditional economy. Our findings point to the online platform model being a powerful tool for driving more inclusive and broader participation in entrepreneurial activity and for expanding access to economic opportunities throughout a country. We believe that this should be reflected in national policies and actions aimed at promoting regional and rural development.

This report describes how the online platform model for commerce reduces the costs of doing business over distance and thereby allows small businesses throughout Germany to extend their market reach. Indeed, almost all small firms leveraging the eBay Marketplace in Germany are international, they served customers in on average 18 different countries in 2016, and they operated from almost anywhere in the country. The research presented in this report shows that the online platform model of commerce has the potential to support inclusive growth by micro and small enterprises, to promote regional inclusion, and to enable self-employment.

This report argues for the crafting of public policies that recognize how small enterprises (1) do not invest directly in new “ target markets” but (2) leverage the internet and platforms to reach customers in global markets and then (3) serve those customers remotely without any facilities in the consumers’ jurisdictions while (4) remaining independent.

To that end, the report presents robust data that demonstrate the real-world behavior of platform-enabled enterprises across the EU; puts forward recommendations for policy action at the EU level, proposing an agenda for the forthcoming mandate of the European Commission; and introduces an innovative modeling tool to help guide EU policy prioritization. This is a tool for analyzing how EU regions are equipped to support online commerce enterprise activity. For the purposes of this report, we have applied the modeling tool to Bulgaria, France, Germany, Romania, Spain and the UK, home to the six entrepreneurs featured in the report. We have used the tool to identify what type of policy actions would have the greatest impact across those countries and then measure the potential regional impact should such policy actions be carried out.

Our hope is that this report and the policy modeling tool can help promote the growth of small, independent yet global enterprises throughout the EU, inspire a new policy mindset, and speed up a transition to the next paradigm where more individuals and enterprises in more places benefit from technology and globalization.

This report presents research on the effects a recent trade policy change has had on online commerce to and from a remote region. In July 2017, the Canary Islands’ low value threshold, the so-called de minimis below which imports are exempt from local sales tax and customs paperwork, was raised. This reform is part of a strategy to internationalise the islands’ economy and aims to strengthen consumer purchasing power. We have studied the effect this policy change has had on eBay transactions to and from the Canary Islands. We have also looked at the effect the 2016 increase of the U.S.

What’s in the report?

This in-depth provides insights into the trade and growth of eBay-enabled small businesses across Italy at the national and regional levels. Using trade data, the report describes how the online platform model for commerce is allowing small businesses and entrepreneurs throughout Italy to extend their geographic reach and actively engage with customers across Europe and around the world. The report also includes an analysis of new enterprise formation on eBay compared to the traditional economy based on regional disparities. Key findings include that nearly every eBay-enabled small business in Italy is an exporter and that a number of regions with the highest poverty rates and unemployment rates have some of the most robust and fastest-growing eBay-enabled small business communities.

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