
November 20, 2012

Two years into the 2010 EU competition law regime on vertical restraints, we reflect on where market forces have taken us and what lessons are to be learned for future revisions of important EU laws.

November 19, 2012

Last week eBay provided its submission in response to the Australian Law Reform Commission's Copyright and the Digital Economy Issues Paper. eBay believes that any changes to Australian copyright law should support and enhance commerce.

November 13, 2012

The Australian Government's Cybersafety Help Button provides internet users, particularly children and young people, with easy online access to cybersafety information and assistance available in Australia. It offers counselling, reporting and educational resources to assist young people deal with online risks including cyberbullying, unwanted contact, scams and fraud, and offensive or inappropriate material.

November 7, 2012

Wee Choo Hua, eBay Inc.'s Head of Government Relations for Southeast Asia, speaks at the ECPAT event.

With the advent of new technologies and the growth of the Internet , online sexual crimes against children is now a global issue.  To tackle the problem, eBay Inc. supports a multi-stakeholder approach and partners with governments, civil society and industry to fight online child sexual exploitation.

November 6, 2012

Pictured (left to right): Malcolm Turnbull; Shadow Minister for Communications and Broadband; Jeff Clementz, Vice President of PayPal Australia; Erica Stewart, founder, Hard to Find; Robert Gerrish, Flying Solo

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