
July 25, 2012

The following e-commerce myths come from eBay's Customer Experience Director Todd Alexander. To read the entire blog post, visit the Australian Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy's Digital Business site.

July 24, 2012

Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Senator Stephen Conroy formally invited eBay and PayPal to join the Government’s Consultative Working Group on Cybersafety (CWG). The appointment is a recognition of eBay and PayPal as leading companies in the ecommerce sector that will assist the CWG and the government in achieving its cybersafety goals.

Cease & Desist Letter Abuse

At a Glance

eBay was founded on the belief of fair and open competition. In Germany, competition law states that a company can send a competitor a cease and desist letter when the company feels that the competitor is not complying with German laws. eBay fully supports this rule.

July 16, 2012

Last week, Assistant Treasurer David Bradbury announced the appointment of eBay Inc. Australia Vice President Deborah Sharkey to the Retail Council of Australia. The Council was established by the Australian Government in response to issues raised by the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into the Economic Structure and Performance of the Australian Retail Industry and has been assembled to advise the Government on the future of the retail sector.

July 11, 2012

On July 10, eBay opened a two-day World Trade Organisation symposium in Geneva. Together with Imperial Logistics and COMESA, Hanne Melin addressed a full auditorium, most of the 155 WTO members represented, on the topic “Why trade facilitation is important”.

July 11, 2012

Last week, eBay Inc. participated in an event sponsored by the European Small Business Alliance (ESBA), which focused on the ways in which small and medium-sized enterprises have been the backbone of job creation for Europe in the last few years.

July 9, 2012

Just in time for summer vacations, the EU has made it cheaper for individuals to go mobile while traveling in Europe. A new EU regulation places a cap on the maximum charge for downloading data from the Internet when using a mobile connection, most commonly known as data roaming.

June 29, 2012

On 27 July, eBay Inc. and PostNL, a Dutch postal & logistics company, co-sponsored a breakfast debate on parcel delivery and cross-border e-commerce in the EU. The event was hosted by Polish Member of the European Parliament Róża Thun.  Ms. Thun, a champion and supporter of online SMEs, welcomed participants by discussing the importance of cross-border trade for the success and growth of small online retailers, and highlighted the challenges buyers and sellers face in this area.

June 29, 2012

The European Commission has just adopted a new European Consumer Agenda for 2014 - 2020, recognising the power of consumers to drive the European economy by making informed choices that reward competition and support the goal of sustainable and resource-efficient growth.

June 22, 2012

Last week German parliamentarians, journalists, and members of various economic associations discussed the benefits of cross-border trade in an event titled “The Economic Potential of Online Cross-Border Trade.” The press event and panel discussion were hosted by Germany's eBay Inc. Government Relations team.

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