
November 29, 2016

Last week, Hanne Melin, eBay Director of Global Public Policy, participated in a special commemorative event to mark the 100th Session of the WTO’s Committee on Trade and Development (CTD). The theme of the event was “Current and Future Perspectives on Trade and Development” and Hanne sat on a panel focused on the road ahead with regard to what needs to be done to ensure that trade works even better as a tool for development.

November 28, 2016

eBay’s Kristen Foster fronts panel on protecting and empowering consumers in the digital age

Recently the eBay Government Relations team addressed Consumers International (CI) at a summit in Hong Kong. The summit was in advance of World Consumer Rights Day 2017 and business and consumer groups’ high level engagement with the G20 in 2017. The Summit aimed to inform and support the development of CI’s position and activity on consumer protection and empowerment in the digital age, with insights from ecommerce experts in the field.

November 28, 2016

eBay Canada Managing Director meets with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Entrepreneur of the Year winners

November 23, 2016

Picture from left to right are: eBay Spain General manager Susana Voces, CEO of Esdemarca Esteban Blázquez, Director for Institutional Cooperation of ICEX Alicia Montalvo

November 21, 2016

Recently the German Association for Online Trade (BVOH) celebrated its 10th anniversary with a full day event in Berlin for online marketplace sellers. With well over 300 online sellers in attendance, the event provided a place for sellers and suppliers to meet, trade information on new trends and talk about the issues affecting all users of online marketplaces. In addition to eBay, the event featured a variety of very well-known German companies, including Check24, Deutsche Post, JTL and Rakuten.

November 7, 2016
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November 3, 2016

eBay’s Head of APAC GR Kristen Foster was featured in the November edition of the popular Australian B2B magazine BiziNet. This cover story documents Kristen’s career path and what motivated her to take on a role with a company like eBay.

November 3, 2016

Andrea Stairs, Managing Director of eBay Canada, testified before the Canadian House of Commons Standing Committee on Government Operations during a budget consultation hearing on October 31.

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