April 7, 2016

eBay Seller Mac Griffiths, Salt Lake County Mayor McAdams and Director of Regional Economic Development for Salt Lake County Stuart Clason

March 18, 2016

eBay’s Political Action Committee, The Committee for Responsible Internet Commerce, hosted an event for Representative Anna Eshoo (D/CA). eBay’s San Jose campus is located in Rep. Eshoo’s district and Rep. Eshoo has been a champion for Internet-enabled entrepreneurs for many years. During her tenure in Congress she has constantly fought for the Internet and technology sectors on many issues including Net Neutrality, cell phone unlocking, and Internet sales tax, among so many others.

March 16, 2016

From Left-Right, eBay’s Aaron Johnson, Molly Titley, Marie Huber and Sharon McBride

Last week eBay General Counsel Marie Huber won the National Association of Women Lawyers’ 2016 Leadership Award.  As one of the very few Asian-American women serving as a General Counsel for a Fortune 500 company, Marie shared with the group that she is “passionate about advocating for women in our profession, particularly in technology law.” 

March 9, 2016

Yesterday Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence (D/MI) along with Oak Park Michigan Mayor Marian McClellan, City Manager Erik Tungate, Community and Economic Development Director Kimberly Marrone and Oak Park Schools Superintendent Dr. Daveda Colbert attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony hosted by eBay seller and Govt. Relations Ambassador Marty Babayov.

March 3, 2016

(Front Row) Cindy Sorley, Spencer Viernes, Katie Stevens, Emily Shuttleworth, Spencer Jones; (Back Row) Mitch Lamb, Daron Fowlks, Mike Greer

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