February 10, 2015

With 95 percent of consumers living outside the United States, Internet enabled small businesses have started to focus on international markets to  grow their business. Whether your business has been exporting for years or is just starting to think about expanding into foreign markets, the federal government offers a number of resources for small businesses that may interest you.

February 9, 2015

Last week, Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI), Chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee discussed the importance of trade during his remarks at the Washington International Trade Association. As Chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee, Paul has jurisdiction over international trade issues and legislation. “I think trade is absolutely vital—because our jobs depend on it. Twenty years ago, trade supported one out of every ten of our jobs. Now it’s one out of every five,” said Ryan. “This is our future.

February 5, 2015

Yesterday, Thomas Wheeler, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced a Net Neutrality proposal based on Title II of the Telecommunications Act that is aimed at protecting all Internet access services, including wireless broadband Internet access services, from discrimination and the creation of toll lane-type “paid prioritization”. eBay Inc. made the following statement in response to the Chairman’s announcement:

February 3, 2015

California Assembly Republican Caucus Members

eBay Inc. was excited to host the 28 members of the California Assembly Republican Caucus at headquarters last week, introducing them to the latest eBay Inc. innovations and how they have changed the landscape, particularly for small- and medium-sized businesses in each of their districts.

January 30, 2015

Yesterday, Washington small business owner, Steve Douge, participated in a trade panel on Capitol Hill. The event, hosted by the Internet Association, was entitled “The Internet & Global Trade”. In attendance were Congressional staffers, industry representatives and small business trade advocates. The goal of the event was to highlight the opportunities the Internet has created for U.S. small businesses to participate in the global marketplace.

January 30, 2015

The Code Cadets

Recently eBay Inc. hosted a visit by The Code Cadets, a group of Australian students at Canberra Grammar School who have a passion and deep interest in computer science and information technology. The visit was part of a 2 week tour visiting high tech companies in Silicon Valley.

January 28, 2015

Yesterday, U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman testified before the Senate Finance Committee and the House Ways & Means Committee on the 2015 U.S. trade policy agenda. Both Congressional Committees have jurisdiction on the issue of trade and as trade negotiations heat up in the new Congress, Congress and the Administration will be discussing the future of our nation’s trade policy.

January 27, 2015

Last week, the House and Senate Commerce Committees convened hearings to discuss the Open Internet or network neutrality hearings. Draft legislation has been circulated in both Chambers to address concerns that some Members of Congress have with the FCC’s proceedings. During the hearing, open Internet supporters told committee members that they are concerned the draft legislation would block the FCC’s ability to protect consumers’ access to an open Internet. Several witnesses pointed out that although the bill offers fairly general open Internet principles t

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