December 1, 2014

Earlier this week Mace Brasher, owner of Jester’s Jerseys, a small online athletic apparel retailer, wrote an opinion piece featured in the Salt Lake Tribune. In the article Mr. Brasher describes how he started the business simply as a way to supplement his income and recounts how it has grown to employee 7 full-time employees who have moved from his living room to a local warehouse space. He also outlines the danger the current Marketplace Fairness Act (MFA) poses to his small, entrepreneurial business:

November 26, 2014

In a recent post on ARS TECHNICA, Doug Kari with Arbitech, wrote about how one eBay seller defeated a publishing giant in a major Supreme Court case that has greatly impacted copyright case law.  Supap Kirtsaeng, a graduate student, sold textbooks online to help pay for grad school at USC.  The textbooks he sold were legitimate copies that he’d purchased overseas.

November 26, 2014

Last week, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette published an opinion piece from three eBay sellers which argued that the costs of complying with the Marketplace Fairness Act would make small businesses unable to compete in the marketplace. “For us, collecting and remitting sales tax for Pennsylvania alone is difficult enough”, wrote the small business owners. “There are frequently technical issues and complexitie

November 26, 2014

Last week on eBay Radio, Tod Cohen, eBay Inc.’s Vice President and Deputy General Counsel of Global Government Relations, discussed the 2014 midterm elections and the threat of  internet sales tax in the lame-duck session of Congress.

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