October 30, 2014

Christine Hanson, national issue campaign manager for Americans for Prosperity, a conservative political advocacy organization in Washington, DC, published an op-ed that urged Congress to pass legislation that extends the ban on Internet access taxes without attaching an Internet sales tax to the measure.

October 30, 2014

Mark Obenshain (R), who represents District 26 in the Senate of Virginia, recently published an article in Times Dispatch arguing that Virginia should not have tied funding for a transportation bill to potential revenue of the Marketplace Fairness Act because it is “a flawed piece of legislation”.

October 30, 2014

Hamilton Davison, President and Executive Director of American Catalog Mailers Association (ACMA) and co-founder of the True Simplification of Taxation (TruST) coalition, recently published an opinion piece in The Hill that urged the Senate to not rush to pass the Marketplace Fairness Act in the final days of Congress. Although the Senate passed the bill last May, the House has refused to take up the flawed legislation.

October 30, 2014

David Lahme, Owner of TRADEPORT USA, recently submitted an opinion piece to Foster’s Daily Democrat expressing his concern with the Senate-passed Marketplace Fairness Act. If passed into law, the Marketplace Fairness Act would force tech-enabled small businesses all across the country to become sales tax collectors for states where they don’t even have a physical presence.

October 30, 2014

On October 28th, eBay Canada’s Country Manager Andrea Stairs hosted over 100 attendees including Members of Parliament (MPs) and key political staff at eBay Canada’s Entrepreneurs of the Year (EOY) Awards Reception in Ottawa, Canada’s Capital.

October 30, 2014

This week, eBay Inc.’s Government Relations team hosted elected officials in New York City for a tour of our Commerce Innovation Showcase. New York State Assembly member Deborah Glick and New York City Councilman Dan Garodnick explored the Showcase and discussed the way our products are revolutionizing the way people shop and pay, particularly in NYC. The group was excited to see the unique and innovative technologies that are helping small- and medium-sized businesses grow and connect with consumers in unprecedented ways.

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