July 24, 2014

Last week, Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) went down to the Senate floor to urge Senate leadership to not attach the Marketplace Fairness Act to the Internet Tax Freedom Act.  Senator Ayotte has been a vocal opponent of the Marketplace Fairness Act and believes that small businesses in New Hampshire and across the country should not be subjected to a burdensome new sales tax regime. 

July 24, 2014

This week, the Wall Street Journal published an editorial saying that Senate leadership was trying to take the Internet Tax Freedom Act hostage by attaching it to the so-called Marketplace Fairness Act.  The article explains that after the House of Representatives passed a permanent extension of the Internet Tax Freedom Act, Senate leadership quickly moved to introduce a bill that would marry the Internet Tax Freedom Act to the Marketplace Fairness Act. 

July 23, 2014

Earlier this week, Richard Nash, Head of public policy for eBay and PayPal in the Americas, addressed thousands of U.S.

July 23, 2014

Last week, the Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) encouraged the Senate to follow the House of Representatives and pass a permanent and clean version of the Internet Tax Freedom Act.  The Internet Tax Freedom Act, which bans taxes on Internet access, is set to expire on November 1st if Congress does not act.  Although the House passed their bill on July 15th, the Senate in

July 23, 2014

Technology-enabled small business owner Marc Ducey of Wilbraham, Massachusetts submitted a letter to the editor of Mass Live that discussed his concern with the Internet sales tax proposal currently pending in the U.S. Congress.  Ducey, like many small businesses across the country, are frustrated that policymakers are trying to pass legislation that would impede the ability of small businesses to thrive.

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