June 25, 2014

Last week, United States Trade Representative Michael Froman spoke about the benefits of tech-enabled international trade during the Coalition of Services Industries discussion on the pending Trade in Services Agreement.  As the Trade Representative for the United States, Ambassador Froman  and his staff are responsible for developing and coordinating U.S. international trade and overseeing negotiations with other countries and, therefore, very interested in the recent trends related to technology-enabled international trade.

June 23, 2014

Last week, Congressman Roger Williams (R-TX) toured the eBay Inc. Commerce Innovation Center in New York City.  During the visit, eBay Inc. offered the company's vision for growth, especially through the lenses of consumer benefits, the growth of mobile, and how the competitive environment will develop. The visit was an opportunity to showcase how PayPal -- as an industry leader in mobile -- is uniquely positioned to leverage its wealth of technology and insights to create new commerce experiences for customers.

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