June 16, 2014

Last week, Tod Cohen, Vice President & Deputy General Counsel of Government Relations at eBay Inc was interviewed on eBay radio. During the interview, he discussed the work the team is doing on Cross Border Trade. “We're working to ensure that markets all around the world are open and accessible, allowing people to more easily participate in the global marketplace.” Tod also highlighted how the Govt. Relations team is constantly ensuring users are protected from negative government activity around the world, which might inhibit their ability to sell cross border.

June 13, 2014

This week, Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), met with David Lahme, owner of President of TradePort USA, to discuss their concerns with the Internet sales tax legislation currently pending in Congress.  TradePort USA is based in Somersworth, New Hampshire, employs 16 workers and sells used and refurbished brand-name consumer electronics at discount prices.  Like many New Hampshire tech-enabled small businesses, Lahme is concerned with how his business would be impacted if Congress were to pass an Internet sales tax bill and TradePort USA becomes a tax collector for every sales tax juris

June 12, 2014

Yesterday, the Washington, D.C. based policy studies organization, The Aspen Institute, hosted a debate on the issue of Network Neutrality and preserving the open Internet.  The event, “Getting Serious on the Net Neutrality Debate” featured industry and academic experts arguing both sides of the issue. 

June 10, 2014

Andrew Borakove, owner of Gongs Unlimited in Lincoln, Nebraska, recently submitted an op-ed on the so-called Marketplace Fairness Act that would require tech-enabled small businesses to comply with sales tax laws and regulations in states where they have no presence.   Borakove, like many small business owners across the nation, is concerned about how he would compete with big-box retailers if he would be forced to become tax collectors for every jurisdiction in the United States.

June 10, 2014

Last week, Ben Werlin, co-owner of Music Store Live, was interviewed by the Burlington Free Press on how the pending Internet sales tax bill in Congress would impact small businesses like his.  Music Store Live, is a perfect success story of how technology can enable small businesses in rural states like Vermont to have not only a national but a g

June 9, 2014

Staffers representing House of Representatives leadership, Energy and Commerce Committee and their Members, and eBay Inc. Government Relations.

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