October 16, 2013

Nationwide Surplus co-owner and eBay top-seller Chris Ko encouraged lawmakers and federal regulators to reduce trade barriers facing small businesses in testimony he recently submitted to the International Trade Commission.

October 11, 2013

The Minority Media and Telecommunication Council released a report Tuesday highlighting the shortfalls of the small business definition in the Marketplace Fairness Act. Written by former Clinton economic advisor Jon Orszag, the report contends that the current exemption for small businesses included in the Marketplace Fairness Act (S. 743/ H.R.

October 8, 2013

eBay’s Senior Director of US Government Relations David London recently testified at an International Trade Commission hearing that explored digital trade in the US and global economies. London described the important role eBay Inc. plays enabling small online businesses to engage in global trade. London focused much of his testimony on PayPal. With more than 132 million active accounts in 193 markets and 26 currencies around the world, PayPal is an invaluable platform for online businesses who engage in cross-border trade.

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