January 22, 2013

Taxes can seem overwhelmingly confusing, especially to small business owners.  The goal for any small business is to pay no more taxes than legally required, which requires at least a basic knowledge of tax laws and typically professional help from a tax expert.  See 10 small business tax tips, from equipment deductions to tax-deductible retirement plans.


January 14, 2013

As we kick off 2013, we would like to thank our Main Street members for getting involved with public policy that impacts your ability to buy and sell online in 2012.  Over 22,500 people joined Main Street last year, with thousands more joining us for spirited discussion on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.  Below are a few highlights and we thank you for participating!

January 11, 2013

On Tuesday, the eBay Inc. Government Relations team scored a victory for our customers, when the U.S. and Canadian governments announced that they had jointly decided to raise and harmonize their informal entry thresholds at $2,500.  What is the informal entry threshold you ask?  The informal entry threshold is the level below which goods coming into the country are not subject to the most stringent paperwork & customs fees requirements by the government.

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