August 27, 2012

As the U.S. Presidential election approaches, so do the Democratic and Republican National Conventions. This year, the Republican National Convention will take place August 27-30 in Tampa, Florida, and the Democratic National Convention will take place September 3-6 in Charlotte, North Carolina.

August 23, 2012

Dusty Brighton, Director of Government Relations, recently spoke on a panel at the 2012 Ticket Summit. The purpose of the panel was to discuss trends in the legislative and regulatory arenas that could affect the issue of ticket resale. Brighton reiterated eBay Inc.'s position on the importance of keeping the secondary market open for ticket resale so that consumers retain their ability to sell a ticket they purchased on any exchange at at any price the market will bear.

August 23, 2012

Earlier this week the NBA joined forces with Ticketmaster to create a new website that will encompass all NBA ticket sales, including ticket resale by fans. The idea stems from a recent survey that showed that 70 percent of fans who purchased tickets from a secondary site, like StubHub, had first visited the NBA team’s site but did not find what they were looking for.

August 17, 2012

Earlier this week, U.S. News and World Report launched an article that outlines the debate over whether retailers should be required to collect and remit sales taxes for items they sell to out-of-state buyers.  The article explains that legislation has been introduced in Congress to change the way businesses handle out-of-state sales by requiring them to collect sales taxes even if they don’t have physical presence in their buyer’s state.

August 17, 2012

Last month, a Chicago-based think tank, Heartland Institute, published a memo outlining the “myths” that are circulating regarding Internet sales taxes.  One of the myths Heartland debunks is the “ease of compliance” for small businesses.  In their memo, Heartland states that “the cost of compliance would be unduly burdensome for small businesses despite advances in software”.  eBay shares Heartland’s concerns for small Internet-enabled retailers and has called on Congress to protect small online retailers from onerous new sales tax r

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