Marianne Turbes

About Marianne Turbes

Marianne Turbes started selling on eBay while going through a difficult divorce. She was having a hard time financially, and her friend suggested selling on eBay. Marianne started off selling treasures she found at estate sales, and soon Garden Devotions was born. It became difficult for Marianne to get to estate sales as a single mom with five young children, so she started selling newer items she could order online instead. Marianne soon found a niche selling religious statuary that she imports from South America.

July 12, 2017

If you have read or watched the news recently you have probably heard the term “Net Neutrality”. This term describes the current rules in place to ensure that Internet Service Providers (ISPs) treat all content equally and do not block, slow or otherwise discriminate against user access to web content. These rules were enacted to encourage and protect a free and open Internet.

“Why should I care about Net Neutrality?”

That is a question many have been asking – and the answer is incredibly important:

Manjinder Singh

About Manjinder Singh

Both Manjinder Singh and his wife Renu had jobs in education when they began selling items online. At first, their efforts served as a hobby and as a way to make some extra money on the side. In 2015, they saw that they could expand on the eBay platform. Their business, AMRH Mart, initially specialized in selling electronics. Over the years, they have added a variety of items to the product line such as antiques, shoes and clothing.

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