eBay Joins United Nations Workshop on Tech-Enabled Trade for MSMEs

December 1, 2016


This week, Alan Elias, eBay Senior Manager of Global Public Policy, participated in a United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) workshop focused on using technology in support of trade for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. The workshop included 26 government representatives from 17 countries, which included Afghanistan, Australia, Bangladesh, China, Czech Republic, Egypt, Fiji, France, Germany, Georgia, India, Iran, Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka, Timor-Leste, Thailand, United Kingdom and Viet Nam, as well as representatives of the private sector, NGOs and the United Nations.

Alan appeared on a panel focused on trade facilitation for B2C ecommerce and lowering trade costs in the era of small merchants and low value shipments. In his remarks, Alan detailed the global empowerment network model of trade and how it represented an opportunity to address the global concerns surrounding slow growth and a lack of inclusive growth. He examined the barriers and trade costs associated with internet-enabled, platform-based microbusiness trade and joined other panelists in making the case for improving logistics, simplifying customs procedures, and raising customs de Minimis levels.    

Recognizing that Asian economies have made remarkable progress in expanding their trade and accelerating their development over the past two decades, UNESCAP convened this workshop to (1) conceptualize and develop concrete and specific development solutions that will help Asia-Pacific’s MSMEs adopt and use B2B and B2C ecommerce and online payment systems–to grow their sales in international markets, tap into global supply chains, and fuel their overall growth and competitiveness; (2) help Asia-Pacific governments understand what policy environment is necessary to allow MSMEs to meaningfully engage in online commerce, and adopt and use technologies conducive to trade; and (3) identify and start driving concrete initiatives and public-private partnerships in such areas as ecommerce logistics and trade facilitation, and online payments, for MSME capacity-building. 

Photo: eBay’s Alan Elias with Susan Stone, UNESCAP Director, Trade, Investment and Innovation Division