
September 6, 2013

Looking for the latest news on Internet sales tax from your smartphone? Sending a letter to Congress from your iPad? These experiences will be much easier with the launch of our new mobile-friendly website.

Responsive design websites automatically adjust to your screen size, whether its a phone, tablet, laptop or desktop monitor, which makes the experience easier and smoother for you. In fact, over 20 percent of you already visit Main Street on your mobile devices today!

July 17, 2013

On Wednesday 19 June 2013, in a rare sign of unity, members of Parliament from all political sides frocked up alongside journalists and leaders of business to raise money for charity and celebrate the year that was. The event featured an address from the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition as well as an online auction run by eBay.

July 8, 2013

Stefan Krawczyk, eBay Inc. Associate General Counsel & Head of EMEA Government Relations, follows his January article addressed to the Irish Presidency with recommendations to the incoming Lithuanian Presidency. He argues in article that to move towards results-based, 21st Century regulations should ensure that European businesses and individuals benefit from innovative online and mobile payments.

July 1, 2013

eBay Inc.'s APAC Head of Public Policy Sassoon Grigorian (right) speakes at the Smart Regulations and Policies for Innovation panel.

Effective and market driven innovation and trade policy was the topic of discussion at the APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) Conference on Innovation and Trade Implementation Practices which took place in Medan, Indonesia on 29 June 2013.

June 24, 2013

Commerce is being supercharged with the growth of the Internet around the globe, and one of the most powerful and compelling stories surrounding technology-enabled growth is how it is helping tear down barriers at the borders that inhibit small business trade.

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