
October 17, 2013

Today The Hon. Malcolm Turnbull, Federal Minister for Communications, launched the third year of PayPal Australia’s Driving Business Online (DBO) campaign – a national education program to help small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) take advantage of the digital economy.

October 15, 2013

Tod Cohen, Vice President, Deputy General Counsel, Global Government Relations, poses with Australian Minister for Trade and Investment, Andrew Robb, at the APEC event.

October 11, 2013

The Public Forum is the largest annual outreach event of the WTO.  eBay contributed to three days of discussions on trade, innovation and the digital economy.

October 7, 2013

Big data, the future of commerce and better regulating the payments sector was the topic of discussion at a presentation delivered by Associate General Counsel for eBay Inc, Steven Liew, at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore titled Digital Asia: Technology, Commerce and Payments Policy. The audience included more than 70 representatives from the diplomatic corps, academics, and government policy makers.

October 1, 2013

Over the last 2 years, eBay has released studies documenting the amazing success of technology-enabled small businesses traders in the US, Europe, Australia, and Asia-Pacific.  Most of this work has looked at small businesses that are located in the developed world.  Our newest report looks at technology-enabled small bus

October 1, 2013

Steven Liew, Head of Government Relations for eBay Asia Pacific, recently wrote a compelling article that appeared in the latest edition of The Lawyer magazine. His piece, co-authored by eBay's Asia Pacific head of policy Sassoon Grigorian, focused on Internet intermediaries and issues of liability, with a particular focus on Asia. In his article, Liew refers to laws in the EU that explain what information Internet companies must provide to consumers, how contracts should be formed, and what those Internet service providers are and are not liable for.

September 26, 2013

On 23 September, Policy & Regulatory Report (PaRR) organized a full-day conference on competition law and antitrust trends. Hanne Melin of eBay Inc. participated in the session on “Vertical Restraints –Perfecting Distribution”.

September 16, 2013

On 13 September, Hanne Melin, of eBay Inc. Public Policy Lab, held a guest lecture at the Law Faculty of Lund University, Sweden.  Encouraging the students to think big, Melin explained that lawyers can be thought-leaders and shape policy to the better.

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