
March 8, 2013

Last month, eBay Inc. and Gitti Gidiyor hosted a high-level e-commerce symposium – the first of its kind –  in Ankara, in co-operation with PayPal, a Istanbul Bilgi University and a leading ICT Association, TÜBISAD. The conference had over 120 attendants, among them many political and public authorities. Speakers and panellists included high ranking officials.

March 1, 2013

On Tuesday, March 5th, eBay Inc.’s very own Vice President of Government Relations & Associate General Counsel, Tod Cohen, will be participating in a panel on Capitol Hill to discuss  The Internet on Main Street: Success Stories in Unexpected Places.  Tod will share eBay Inc.’s vision of enabling all retailers, of every size, with the tools and technology they need to be successful in today’s retail environment.  In addition, Tod will share some seller success stories from over the years, including how they have leveraged the

March 1, 2013

The European Commission has turned its attention to delivery services as a key and final link in the e-commerce chain. With a Green Paper, the Commission launched a consultation to obtain stakeholder views on how to ensure a flexible and well-performing EU-wide delivery system.

February 20, 2013

Panel speakers (Left to Right): Dusty Brighton, Government Relations Director, eBay Inc.; Maria O'Connor, Managing Director, Ticketmaster Australasia; Craig McMaster, CEO, Showbiz

This week eBay Inc.’s Dusty Brighton participated in a panel discussion at the Ticketing Professionals Conference in Sydney regarding the secondary ticket market.

February 4, 2013

eBay Inc. has a proud tradition of responding to natural disasters, whether they be Hurricane Sandy in the U.S., the Asian tsunami, Victorian bushfires or the Queensland floods in Australia. Another way we bring our Shared Purpose and Behaviours to life is by working together to "do the right thing" when we see an opportunity to help others.

Bushfires in Tasmania last month have destroyed hundreds of buildings. Thousands of people are returning home after being displaced by the fires, with many losing their homes and properties in Tasmania and other parts of Australia.

January 29, 2013

On 23 January, the Committee of Industry and Trade of the Swedish Parliament held a hearing on the “Internal Market of the Future”. Invited corporate speakers were IKEA and eBay. Hanne Melin of eBay’s Government Relations team spoke about the new commerce where web-enabled firms, in particular SMEs, are now able to grow cross-border businesses: the emerging micro multinational.

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