June 29, 2016

This article originally appeared on BIPAC's blog. Written by BIPAC Political Analyst Jim Ellis.


The victory for Brexit forces in the United Kingdom is a boost to Donald Trump's campaign, at least according to the GOP's presumptive nominee. Mr. Trump's response statement proclaimed that, in November, the American people, too, will have "the chance to re-declare their independence."

June 15, 2016

This article originated on Written by BIPAC Political Analyst Jim Ellis


The presidential political primary season ended with the District of Columbia Democratic primary where presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton captured 79% of the vote and has, for all intents and purposes, finally ended Sen. Bernie Sanders (I/D-VT) campaign hopes. She now has enough in the way of pledged votes and Super Delegates to unquestionably exceed the 2,383 votes necessary to win the presidential nomination.

June 13, 2016

This article originated on Written by BIPAC Political Analyst Jim Ellis


Now that the primary process is complete, we can officially declare Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump the respective Democratic and Republican presidential nominees.

June 1, 2016

Alabama. Connecticut. Florida. Maryland. Massachusetts. Michigan. Missouri. New York. Tennessee. Washington, DC. 

eBay Government Relations has worked around the country to educate state and federal policy makers about StubHub, the primary and secondary ticket markets, and those policies – both good and bad – that impact StubHub and our fans.

June 1, 2016

Recently, South Dakota (SD) enacted sales tax legislation that violates the Supreme Court–established standard of nexus by requiring out-of-state retailers selling more than $100,000 annually into the state, or engaging in 200+ transactions with South Dakotans, to collect and remit SD sales taxes.  SD sued four online retailers who do not operate in the state (Newegg, Overstock, Systemax, and Wayfair) for non-collection, prompting the American Catalogue Mailers Ass

May 24, 2016

Pictured (from left to right): UT State Senator Lincoln Fillmore, eBay’s Katie Stevens, UT Representative Craig Hall, Gary Thorup, UT Clean Energy’s Sophie Hayes and Sarah Wright, eBay’s Karl Zager and Glenn Calfee, UT Representative Bruce Cutler and eBay’s Ramon “Ray” Rivera.

May 10, 2016

Yesterday US Senator Jeanne Shaheen posted an Op-Ed in the New Hampshire Union Leader once again pointing out just how destructive the Marketplace Fairness Act will be if passed as currently written. The Senator points out that, not only is this bill bad for a non-sales tax state like New Hampshire, but bad for all US internet-enabled small business.

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