October 6, 2015

Pictured from left to right: State Senator Ted Gaines, eBay Seller Cindy Sorley, Assemblywoman Beth Gaines

October 5, 2015

The eBay Americas Government Relations (GR) team is on the frontlines in Washington, D.C. educating policymakers about our customers, including the small online business community. We ensure your voice heard in our nation’s capital and in state legislatures around the country. For example, we know that tax and trade policy can have a huge effect on a small business’ bottom line and we continuously work to prevent bad public policy in these important areas.

September 30, 2015

Today, eBay Government Relations released a new document to educate policymakers on why an Internet sales tax bill would be very bad for small business. It’s proven that small businesses of ALL models grow our economy. Efforts to force online small businesses to collect sales tax from thousands of taxing jurisdictions, thus subjecting them to unjust audits and enforcement requirements, would deter economic growth.

September 25, 2015

Pictured, from left to right: Michael Hager, Head of Cabinet, EU, Lindsay Lutz, Legal Director, Antitrust and Global Asset Protection, eBay, Gunther Oettinger, European Commissioner for the Digital Economy & Society, EU, Linda Corugedo-Steneberg - Principal Advisor, Digital Single Market Global Ambassador, EU, Stefan Krawczyk, Head of Government Relations International, eBay, Jesse Spector, Policy Officer Digital Economy, Delegation of the EU to the USA, EU, Jan Barnes, Chief of Staff, Government Relations, eBay.

September 8, 2015

eBay employees and event participants show off the “eBay Day” proclamation in front of the Draper, Utah eBay facility.

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