August 22, 2014

At eBay Inc., we believe that the right to vote is one of the most important rights we have as Americans. On November 4th, millions of Americans will head to the polls to cast their vote and elect 435 members of Congress, 35 Senators, 36 Governors and countless state and local officials.  Will you be one of them?

August 22, 2014

With the end of the 113th Congress swiftly approaching, Congress has only a few short weeks left in the legislative calendar.  With the clock running out, proponents of the Marketplace Fairness Act (MFA) are actively trying to push the legislation through Congress and to the President’s desk by the end of the year. Although the Senate passed the MFA in May 2013, leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives have announced their intention to find an alternative to the Senate-passed Internet sales tax bill and have refrained from moving the Senate-passed bill.

August 20, 2014

Earlier this month, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) spoke on the Senate floor about the importance of passing the Internet Tax Freedom Act without attaching the so-called Marketplace Fairness Act. In his statement, the Senator said “If the Senate refuses to take action, the Internet will be taxed this November.

August 19, 2014

A strong champion of eBay Inc. customers, merchants and employees, eBay Inc. Government Relations was pleased to host Congressman Thomas Massie at eBay Inc. headquarters to talk about the future of commerce and how federal policies can continue to support the growth of small- and medium-sized businesses. 

August 18, 2014

Jessica Melugin, fellow with the Competitive Enterprise Institute, recently penned an opinion piece in the Austin American-Statesman explaining why the Marketplace Fairness Act would be bad for Texas and Texas-based businesses.

August 13, 2014

Joe Cortese, a small business owner in Pittsfield, NH, submitted a letter to the editor of the Concord Monitor thanking Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) for her continued support of small tech-enabled businesses. Cortese’s businesses, like many other small businesses across the country, would be negatively affected if the Senate passed Marketplace Fairness Act were to be passed into law.

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