September 2, 2014

eBay Inc. was honored to welcome His Royal Highness, Prince Frederik, Crown Prince of Denmark, to eBay Inc. headquarters. Accompanied by a Danish business delegation and eBay Inc. leadership, the Crown Prince spent time in the Commerce Innovation Showcase visualizing how eBay Inc. technologies are creating new experiences for consumers, enabling businesses of all sizes in Denmark and around the world compete and win. eBay Inc.

August 25, 2014

Daniel Keane, small business owner in Gap, Pennsylvania, recently expressed his concern with the Internet sales tax law currently pending in Congress. The legislation, called the Marketplace Fairness Act, would require small businesses like Keane's to collect and remit sales taxes for every jurisdiction across the country, regardless of where the business is located. If passed as currently drafted, the legislation could seriously impact the ability of small businesses to be competitive in the marketplace.

August 22, 2014

Robert Kulp, co-owner of Black Dog Salvage in Roanoke, Virginia, recently submitted an opinion piece to the Roanoke Times regarding the Senate passed Marketplace Fairness Act. Kulp, who owns a brick and mortar store that also sells on the Internet, described the benefits that his business has seen from leveraging the online marketplace.

August 22, 2014

In May, after voting 3-2 to move ahead with a net neutrality plan that would allow Internet providers to charge websites for faster service, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) launched a new proceeding in an effort to seek public opinion on the best way forward to preserve Open Internet access in the United States. As the primary authority for communications law, regulation and technological innovation, the FCC has been grappling with how to address the net neutrality issue after the D.C. Court of Appeals struck down portions of the 2010 Open Internet Order in January.

August 22, 2014

Last month, eBay Inc. co-hosted a webinar with the U.S. Department of Commerce to highlight some of the technical solutions that have been created in the last few years that make exporting easier for small technology-enabled businesses.

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