May 9, 2013

This week, Senator Cruz (R-TX) expressed his concerns with the Internet sales tax bill that is currently being considered by Congress and the impact that it would have on small businesses all across the country that use the Internet to reach a global market.  In both his op-ed and his floor speech on the Senate floor, Senator Cruz explained his belief that Congress should be removing barriers to small business growth and development and not saddling them with additional new tax burdens when economic times are tough.  Senator Cruz explained that “during a time of economic cha

May 9, 2013

Last week, Congressman Jim Bridenstine (R-OK) expressed his opposition to the so-called Marketplace Fairness Act as he met with constituents back home in Oklahoma.  Among his chief concerns, was the fact that this new legislation would create new and unprecedented power for states to enforce their sales tax laws on businesses located in a completely different state.   In addition, he pointed out that this legislation would force businesses selling over $1million in total sales to comply with this new tax regime, which as he puts it “institutionalizes tax unfairness&rdqu

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