May 6, 2013

Brian Bieron, Senior Director of Global Public Policy at eBay Inc., made the following statement today in response to the United States Senate’s approval of the Marketplace Fairness Act:

May 6, 2013

A YouTube video recently posted by Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) highlights some of the outstanding problems with the Marketplace Fairness Act .  Throughout the debate of the legislation, Senator Wyden has made these and other arguments on the Senate floor to illustrate for his fellow Senators the major consequences of the bill.  As the video shows, Senator Wyden has been a thoughtful and passionate participant in the debate over the Marketplace Fairness Act.

May 6, 2013

Last week, Congressman Bridenstine (R-OK) posted a video on YouTube to express why he opposes the Internet sales tax bill that is currently pending in Congress.  One of his reasons for opposing the legislation is that it creates tax unfairness, especially for small online businesses selling over the “small seller” exception in the bill.  In addition, the bill gives unprecedented powers to state enforcement agents and allows them to compel businesses not even located in their state to abide by their sales tax laws.

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