February 15, 2013

Yesterday, Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) voiced her opposition to the latest round of Internet sales tax bills being introduced in Congress.  As a Senator that understands the importance of keeping the Internet open to small business retailers all across the country, she vowed to fight against this bill, which allows state tax collectors to impose new burdens on small Internet-enabled retailers.   Furthermore, Senator Ayotte is working with Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) on a resolution that would call on Congress to protect small online retailers from harmful legislation, like the b

February 15, 2013

Yesterday, Members of Congress in both the House and Senate, with the backing of mega-billion dollar retailers and state tax officials, introduced Internet sales tax legislation that would allow state tax enforcement agents from one state to impose their sales tax laws on small businesses located in another state.  eBay opposes this misguided tax scheme and released a statement today opposing these bills.

February 11, 2013

eBay’s continued commitment to the state of Utah was highlighted in Governor Gary Herbert’s State of the State Address. Speaking of the state’s economic growth, Governor Herbert said “For the third straight year, Forbes ranked Utah number one as the best place for business. That is no accident.

February 8, 2013

Yesterday, the Upper Michigans Source posted an online poll asking readers whether or not  online retailers should be required to collect the same sales tax as brick-and-mortar businesses.  As you know, there are efforts at the state and federal level to impose new tax burdens on small Internet-enabled retailers.  eBay opposes these efforts and has continued to call on policymakers to protect small businesses from harmful sales tax legislation.  If you share our position and oppose these proposals, we encourage you to

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