February 5, 2013

At the State of the Net Conference in late January, eBay Inc. Vice President & Deputy General Counsel Tod Cohen joined the First Sale Panel and publicly declared that eBay will fight to protect owners’ rights should a Supreme Court case ruling undermine the right to resale or give away legitimately purchased goods made overseas.

February 4, 2013

Last week, the taxpayer advocacy group, Americans for Tax Reform (ATR), warned Congress of the slippery slope they would find themselves on if an Internet sales tax bill were to become law.  eBay, along with ATR and other taxpayer groups, have long opposed attempts by state tax collectors and Congress to allow tax agents from one state to enforce their sales tax laws on retailers based in other states, essentially making small businesses across the country tax collectors for every tax jurisdiction nationwide.

January 31, 2013

Last week, Jessica Melugin with the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), published an op-ed in the Missoulian that called on Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) to protect Montana businesses from a federal proposal that would allow tax enforcement agents from other states to impose their sales tax laws on online retailers based in Montana.  

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